Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Physics, MSU
About department
Research work
For entrants
Current common courses
Differential equations
Integral Equations and calculus of variations
Introduction to Numerical Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Physics
Linear algebra
Mathematical analysis 2
Numerical methods in physics
Principles of Mathematical Modeling
Special courses
Abstract differential equations with applications in mathematical physics
Asymptotic averaging method for problems of mathematical physics
Asymptotic methods in nonlinear problems of mathematical physics
Asymptotic methods in the theory of differential equations with rapidly oscillating solutions
Catastrophe theory and its applications in physics
Category Theory Basics
Differential inequality method in nonlinear problems
Elliptic equations
Extremal problems
Finite element method in problems of mathematical physics
Functional analysis
Fundamentals of algebra and differential geometry
Gas dynamics and cosmic magnetic fields
Group analysis of differential equations
Introduction to perturbation theory
Linear and nonlinear functional analysis
Mathematical methods in ecology
Mathematical modeling of plasma – kinetic theory
Mathematical modeling of plasma – numerical experiment
Mathematical models of hydrodynamics and gas dynamics
Mathematical problems of diffraction theory
Methods of finite differences in mathematical physics
Modern methods of modeling in magnetohydrodynamics
Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations of mathematical physics
Numerical methods in mathematical physics
Parabolic equations
Parallel Computations
Programming of scientific applications in the language C++
Special functions of mathematical physics
Special practical work. Differential schemes
Stochastic differential equations
Supplementary chapters of mathematical physics (nonlinear functional analysis)
Tensor calculus
Theoretical Basics of Big Data Analytics
Theory of blow-ups of nonlinear equations
Research work
Research areas
Scientific seminars
Devision seminar
Department seminar
Inverse problems in mathematical physics
Mathematical methods in natural sciences
10th of April Report
10th of November 2021 meeting
11th of May Report
11th of May reports
11th of September report
12th of December report
13.12.2023 report
13th of May report
13th of November Report
13th of October 2021 report
14.02.2024 report
15th of December 2021 report
16th of March report
17th of November 2021 report
17th of October Report
18th of may report
18th of September report
19th of October 2022 report
20th of March report
20th of May Report
21st of November report
22th of December 2021 report
23d of November 2022 report
23d of October Report
24th of October report
27th of March report
27th of October 2021 report
2nd of November report
2th of October report
3-rd of October 2018 report
30.06.2022 report
30th of March report
4th of March report
5th of December report
6th of April report
6th of June 2018 Report
6th of May report
6th of October 2021 report
7th of November report
9th of November 2022 report
April 10th 2024 Report
April 13, 2016. Report. M. D. Malykh
April 24th report
April 27, 2016. Report. Yu. A. Eremin: "Influence of the Nonlocal Effect on the Plasmonic Structures Scattering Properties"
April 4, 2018. Report. Zh. O. Dombrovskaya
April 5, 2017. Report. D.V. Divakov, M.D. Malykh, L.A. Sevastianov
April 8, 2015. Report. D. Senin
December 13, 2017. Report. Yu. V. Mukhartova
December 2, 2015. Report. Yu.A. Eremin
December 21, 2016. Report. D. S. Kulyabov
February 14, 2018. Report. A. A. Petukhov
February 15, 2017. Report. V. M. Pikunov
February 22th 2023, report
February 24, 2016. Report. D. P. Tabakov
June 21, 2017. Report. V. L. Ekelekyan
March 1, 2017. Report. R. L. Evelson
March 14, 2018. Report. M. D. Malykh and L. A. Sevastyanov
March 14th 2024 report
March 16, 2016. Report. M. S. Yatskevich, N. A. Panov, V. A. Makarov et al.
March 2 and 9, 2016. Report. V. E. Rodyakin: "Arsenal-MSU" Computer Code"
March 23, 2016. Report. A. A. Bykov
March 25, 2015. Reports. PhD students (scientific adviser E.A. Grachev)
March 29, 2017. Report. M. A. Panteleev
March 30, 2016. Report. A. L. Delitsyn
May 18, 2016. Report. A. Yu. Perepelkina
May 3, 2017. Report. A.L. Delitsyn
May 3, 2017. Report. M. D. Malykh
November 1, 2017. Report. M. D. Malikch
November 11, 2015. Report. A.L. Delitsyn
November 15, 2017. Report. Yu. A. Eremin
November 16, 2016. Report. M. D. Malykh
November 18, 2015. Report. M.A. Panteleev, A.N. Sveshnikova
November 22, 2017. Report. A. A. Bykov
November 23, 2016. Report. E. A. Mikhailov, V. V. Pushkarev
November 30, 2016. Report. Yu. V. Mukhartova, N. T. Levashova
November 8, 2017. Report. P. V. Golubtsov
October 12, 2016. Report. A. I. Erokhin, M. I. Svetkin
October 12, 2016. Report. V. M. Pikunov, V. E. Rodyakin
October 14, 2015. Report. Yu. Mitrishkin "Computer stand of real time for Speed goat"
October 18, 2017. Report. N. A. Tikhonov
October 21, 2015. Report. A.A. Petukhov
October 23 2024 report
October 26, 2016. Report. Zh. O. Dombrovskaya
October 28, 2015. Report. A.V. Nikitenko
October 5, 2016. Report. A. A. Petukhov
September 21, 2016. Report. Yu. A. Eremin
September 26, 2018. Report. A. A. Petukhov
The 17th of May, 2023, report
Seminar named after A.B. Vasil'eva: Asimptotic methods in singularly perturbed problems
Bachelor works
Scientific seminars
Devision seminar
Department seminar
Inverse problems in mathematical physics
Mathematical methods in natural sciences
Seminar named after A.B. Vasil'eva: Asimptotic methods in singularly perturbed problems
12th of December report
Date of publication
12/10/2018 22:
mathematics department