Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Physics, MSU

The 38th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS)


St Petersburg, Russia


May 22-25, 2017

Initiator of the publication

A.N. Bogolyubov, Zh.O. Dombrovskaya



Website(s), e-mail

Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) provides an international forum since 1989 for reporting progress and recent advances in the whole electromagnetic spectrum. Topics include radiation, propagation, diffraction, scattering, guidance, resonance, power, energy and force issues, and all other modern developments, with frequencies covering the entire electromagnetic wave spectrum (including microwave and lightwave, and beyond).


PIERS Proceedings since 2016 will be submitted for archival in IEEE Xplore. Author of an accepted abstract is invited to (but is not required to) submit an extended paper of 4-5 pages.


The following five subcommittees have been formed for PIERS 2017 St Petersburg (however, the topics are not limited to these areas):

SC 1. Computational Electromagnetics, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Scattering and Electromagnetic Theory
SC 2. Metamaterials, Plasmonics and Complex Media
SC 3. Optics and Photonics
SC 4. Antennas and Microwave Technologies
SC 5. Remote Sensing, Inverse Problems, Imaging, Radar and Sensing


Suggested topics:
1) Electromagnetic theory
2) Computational electromagnetics, hybrid methods
3) Spectra, time, and frequency domain techniques
4) Fast iteration, large scale and parallel computation
5) Transmission lines and waveguide discontinuities
6) Resonators, filters, interconnects, packaging, MMIC
7) Antenna theory and radiation
8) Microstrip and printed antennas, phase array antennas
9) RF and wireless communication, multipath
10) Mobile antennas, conformal and smart antennas
11) Power electronics, superconducting devices
12) Systems and components, electromagnetic compatibility
13) Nano scale electromagnetics, MEMS
14) Magnetic levitation, transportation and collision avoidance
15) Precision airport landing systems, GPS
16) Radar sounding of atmosphere, ionospheric propagation
17) Microwave remote sensing and polarimetry, SAR
18) Subsurface imaging and detection technology, GPR
19) Active and passive remote sensing systems
20) Electromagnetic signal processing, wavelets, neural network
21) Rough surface scattering and volume scattering
22) Remote sensing of the earth, ocean, and atmosphere
23) Scattering, diffraction, and inverse scattering
24) Microwave and millimeter wave circuits and devices, CAD
25) Wireless power transfer and harvesting
26) Medical electromagnetics, biological effects, bioimaging
27) Microwave photonics, THz technology
28) Biophotonics, optical sensors and environmental monitoring
29) Novel optical fibers and fiber-based devices
30) Advanced photonic materials and nanophtonics
31) Optoelectronic devices and integration
32) Light emitting and lasing
33) Coherent optics, ultrafast optics
34) Light harvesting, photovoltaics, optoelectronics in energy
35) Metamaterials and plasmonics
36) Quantum electrodynamics, computing and information theory
37) Biological media, composite and random media
38) Plasmas, nonlinear media, fractal, chiral media
39) Constitutive relations and bianisotropic media
40) Moving media, relativity, field quantization

and others


First announcement letter


Aleksandr Belov received a Best Student Paper Award (3rd prize) at PIERS-2017 conference for report "Wide Range Plasma Equation of State".