Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Physics, MSU
About department
Research work
For entrants
Current common courses
Differential equations
Integral Equations and calculus of variations
Introduction to Numerical Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Physics
Linear algebra
Mathematical analysis 2
Numerical methods in physics
Principles of Mathematical Modeling
Special courses
Abstract differential equations with applications in mathematical physics
Asymptotic averaging method for problems of mathematical physics
Asymptotic methods in nonlinear problems of mathematical physics
Asymptotic methods in the theory of differential equations with rapidly oscillating solutions
Catastrophe theory and its applications in physics
Category Theory Basics
Differential inequality method in nonlinear problems
Elliptic equations
Extremal problems
Finite element method in problems of mathematical physics
Functional analysis
Fundamentals of algebra and differential geometry
Gas dynamics and cosmic magnetic fields
Group analysis of differential equations
Introduction to perturbation theory
Linear and nonlinear functional analysis
Mathematical methods in ecology
Mathematical modeling of plasma – kinetic theory
Mathematical modeling of plasma – numerical experiment
Mathematical models of hydrodynamics and gas dynamics
Mathematical problems of diffraction theory
Methods of finite differences in mathematical physics
Modern methods of modeling in magnetohydrodynamics
Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations of mathematical physics
Numerical methods in mathematical physics
Parabolic equations
Parallel Computations
Programming of scientific applications in the language C++
Special functions of mathematical physics
Special practical work. Differential schemes
Stochastic differential equations
Supplementary chapters of mathematical physics (nonlinear functional analysis)
Tensor calculus
Theoretical Basics of Big Data Analytics
Theory of blow-ups of nonlinear equations
Actual problems of electrodynamics - 2024
Asymptotic methods in mathematical physics
Passed conferences
13th Annual Workshop on Numerical Methods for Problems with Layer Phenomena
Lomonosov Readings - 2017. Physics
10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials 2016
12th Annual Workshop on Numerical Methods for Problems with Layer Phenomena
4th International Workshop on Computational Inverse Problems and Applications
8th International Conference "Inverse Problems: modeling & simulation"
8th international scientific conference Theory and numerical methods for solving inverse and ill-posed problems
Actual problems of electrodynamics
All-Russian theoretical and practical conference "Mathematical modeling based on statistical methods"
International conference "Actual problems of mathematical physics"
International conference on mathematical modeling: processes and systems (MATHMODEL)
International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences (ICMMAS)
International Conference «Computational and Applied Mathematics 2017» (CAM)
International school-conference for young scientists "Mathematics, Physics, Informatics and Their Applications in Science and Education"
International scientific conference "New trends in nonlinear dynamics"
International Scientific Conference 2019 Radiation and Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves RSEMW
International scientific conference «Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics and Numerical Mathematics»
Russian-Chinese symposium "20 years of the RFBR-NSFC cooperation"
Scientific conference "Actual Problems of Mathematical Physics"
Scientific conference "Tihonovskie readings"
Scientific school-seminar "Waves-2017"
The 38th All-Russian conference for young scientists "Modelling, optimization and information technology"
The 38th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS)
The 6th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM-2015)
The 8th International Conference "Acoustooptical and Radar Methods for Information Measurements and Processing" (ARMIMP-2015)
The all-Russian conference "Mathematics in the life of society: achievements, problems, prospects"
The International conference "Actual Problems of Calculus and Applied Mathematics 2015"
The International Conference "Mathematical and Computational Modeling in Science and Technology"
The International Conference “Education, Science and Economics at Universities and Schools. Integration to International Educational Area”
The International scientific conference "Voronezh Winter Mathematical School of S.G. Кreyn 2016"
The International Seminar on the Inverse and ill-posed Problems
Theory and numerical methods for sollution of inverse and ill-posed problems
Tikhonov Readings. Section "Asymptotic methods and differential equations with a small parameter"
International seminar "Actual Problems of Mathematical Physics"
Scientific seminars
Devision seminar
Department seminar
Inverse problems in mathematical physics
Mathematical methods in natural sciences
Seminar named after A.B. Vasil'eva: Asimptotic methods in singularly perturbed problems
8th International Conference "Inverse Problems: modeling & simulation"
Fethiye, Turkey
May 23-28, 2016
Initiator of the publication
A.G. Yagola
Website(s), e-mail