- Professor Yagola
- The Conference Proceedings of the conference Actual problems of electrodynamics - 2024 has been registered in the Russian Science Citation Index
- Methods of mathematical physics consultations 2025
- Postgraduate student of the Department of Mathematics S.S. Torbin took 1st place in the Youth Competition of Scientific Research, Practical Developments and Software Systems of the Research and Information Center-2024
- Congratulations to A.A. Shishkin
- 100th Anniversary of the Birthday of A.G. Sveshnikov A.G. Sveshnikov
- Head of the department
- Results of the written part of the MMP colloquium 2 stream
- Principles of Mathematical modelling re-examinations
- A.I. Tyan, winner of the сompetition of term papers 2024.
- Conference “Asymptotic methods in mathematical physics”, dedicated to the memory of V.P. Maslova
- Consultations on the course “Fundamentals of Mathematical Modeling”
- Defense of master's theses 2024
- The second stage of the interview for applicants to the Department of Mathematics in 2024
- Interview for applicants to the department of mathematics in 2024
- OMM colloquium 2 2024
- OMM list 2 2024
- OMM list 2024
- Colloquium on the course "Introduction to Numerical Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Physics" for 3 part of students
- State Awards
- Methods of mathematical physics consultations 2024
- 13.12.2023 report adv
- TFCV paragraphs 1-9 released
- New page
- Methods of mathematical physics colloquium phase 2
- Principles of mathematical modelling re-examination 2023
- 2023 Methods of methematical physics colloquium
- TFKP 1-4 release
- Principles of mathematical modelling re-exam 2023
- E.Jikhareva term paper contest 2023
- Consultation for the course "Principles of Mathematical Modeling"
- A.A. Petukhov is elected as the best young teacher in 2023
- Interview for II-nd year students
- List of students of the 1st stream admitted to the oral part of the GMM colloquium
- List of admitted students of the 2nd stream for the oral part of the GMM colloquium
- Colloquium on the course "INTRODUCTION to numerical methods and mathematical modeling in physics"
- At the request of the participants, the work program of the sections has been changed of the conference Actual problems of electrodynamics in memory of A. G. Sveshnikov
- Online translation of the conference
- On March 28-29, an international conference ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ELECTRODYNAMICS in memory of Alexei Georgievich Sveshnikov will be held
- 2023 rewards
- Actual problems of electrodynamics extended
- Retaking the test and exam for the course "Methods of Mathematical Physics" will be held February 15 at 17.00
- Methods of mathematical physics consultations 2023
- New year 2023
- General standings at the MMF course 12/28/2022
- olympiads 2022 fall
- Methods of mathmatical physics colloquium 2022 results
- Methods of mathmatical physics colloquium 2022, part II
- Methods of mathematical physics re-exam 2022
- Methods of mathmatical physics colloquium 2022
- Congratulations to 2nd year graduate student Yuri Lagutin
- Lebesgue integral for physicists 2022
- Congratulations to 2nd year graduate students Argun Raul Larikovich and Lagutina Alena Alekseevna
- 2nd course student work competition 2022
- Khokhlov Student Work Competition 2022 winner
- Priciples of Mathematical Modelling consultations 2022
- Principles of mathematical modelling 2022
- Numerical methods June 2nd
- Numerical methods may 27th
- Interview for II year students
- Course works for 2nd year students
- Program of the subsection "Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling" of the conference "Lomonosov Readings - 2022"
- By order of the President of the RF, A. N. Bogolyubov, Gratitude was announced
- State exam program revealed
- Methods of Mathematical Physics consultations 2021
- Common credit for the course "Methods of Mathematical Physics"
- December 1, 2021. Report.
- Moscow-Yerevan
- Students of the department obtained increased scholarships
- Lebegue integral starts work
- the course "Principles of Mathematical Modeling" (credit and examination)
- Course "Contemporary Problems of Physics" Ассистент Михайлов Евгений Александрович
- Sergei Kamaletdinov's victory
- OMM exam order
- Consultation and rules for conducting examinations for the course "Integral Equations. Calculus of Variations"
- New page
- Schedule of consultations and rules for conducting examinations for the courses "Differential Equations" and "Integral Equations. Calculus of Variations"
- Defence schedules
- Distribution of second-year students to the Department of Mathematics
- Program of the conference Lomonosov Readings 2021 of subsection 8
- Program of the conference "Lomonosov Readings - 2021" of subsection 7 "Mathematical Physics"
- New page
- New page
- Nizhniy Novgorod newspaper
- Methods of mathematical physics re-examination 2021-2
- Principles of Mathematical Modeling reexamination
- Methods of mathematical physics re-examination 2021
- Seance_du_departement Department session February 17, 2021
- Exam-2
- Exam-2
- Exam-2
- Student of the Department of Mathematics M.V. Pashentseva - the winner of the competition of the Fund "Basis"
- Lomonosov 2020 schedule
- Principles of Mathematical Modeling exam
- Principles of Mathematical Modeling consultations
- Principles of Mathematical Modeling meeting
- In tab "For entrants" you can find our On-line stand ...
- Methods_of_mathematical_physics re-examination and comission
- Methods_of_mathematical_physics comission
- Methods of mathmetical physics, re-examination
- Methods of mathmetical physics, exam and consultations
- Consultation scedule, year II
- Basis-winners
- Methods of mathmetical physics, credit
- Candidates' exams
- Methods of mathematical physics colloquium
- Principles of Mathematical Modelling, first part of colloquium
- Principles of Mathematical Modelling re-examination
- Elements of Measure theory and Lebesgue integration
- Principles of Mathematical Modelling consultations
- Linear Algebra consultations 2019
- Masters' dissertations and bachelors' graduation works 2019
- Inroduction to Mathematical Modelling Re-credit 2019
- Principles of Mathematiacl Modelling Re-credit 2019
- Principles of Mathematiacl Modelling Credit 2019
- Introduction to mathematical modelling credit
- List of the students approved to stady at mathematical department
- Groups' 302 and 502 report
- State exams
- Principles of Mathematical Modelling: second part of colloquium, students' list
- Principles of Mathematical Modelling: second part of colloquium
- Principles of Mathematiacl Modelling Colloquium 2019
- BMM colloquium questions
- Olimpiad MPE
- 20th of March chair
- 13th of May chair
- Comission and re-examination on methods of mathematical physics
- 20-th of February chair
- Methods of Mathematical Physics Re-examination
- Methods of Mathematical Physics Re-credit
- Methods of mathematical physics exams
- Methods of Mathematical Physics Credit
- Students' olympiad for I and II courses in analytical geometry and the theory of functions of a complex variable
- Students' olympiad for I and II courses in mathematical analysis
- List of students, allowed to the second part of colloquium on Methods of Mathematical Physics
- Methods of Mathematical Physics Colloquium
- August 31, 2018. Department meeting 2:00 p.m., room 4-46
- Advanced algebra for physicists: theory and practice, new special course
- Principles of Mathematical Modeling re-examinations
- Principles of Mathematical Modeling consultations
- Principles of Mathematical Modeling comission
- Introduction to mathematical modelling credit, second try
- Principles of Mathematical Modeling credit, second try
- Interview for II year students
- Course work credit day for II year students
- «Introduction to mathematical modelling» course
- April 11, 2018. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- List of students admitted to the oral part of the colloquium on BMM all students
- The second tour of Universiade April 9, 3:20 p.m., room 4-46
- April 4, 2018. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Colloquium on linear algebra
- March 21, 2018. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Materials for the course "Group analysis of differential equations" are uploaded The course is read to master students in the 10th semester
- March 14, 2018. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- February 21, 2018. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- January 25, 2018. Department meeting 1:00 p.m., room 5-18
- Consultations on the course "Mathematical Methods in Physics" January 6 and 8
- December 27, 2017. Final department meeting 2:30 p.m., room 5-18
- December 20, 2017. Bachelor students reports 3:30 p.m., room 5-18
- December 13, 2017. Master students reports 3:30 p.m., room 5-18
- December 6, 2017. Department meeting and Ph.D. students reports 3:30 p.m., room 5-18
- November 29, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Reports of Ph.D. students, masters and bachelors December 6, 12 and 20, respectively
- November 22, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- November 15, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Photos from international scientific conference "New trends in nonlinear dynamics" are uploaded It was held at Yaroslavl Demidov State University (October 5-7, 2017)
- November 8, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- List of Students, who Passed the First Step of Principles of Mathematical Modelling Colloqvium
- November 1, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- List of Students, who Passed the First Step of Principles of Mathematical Modelling Colloqvium
- October 25, 2017. Section "Asymptotic methods and differential equations with a small parameter" at the conference "Tihonovskie readings" 3:30—5:30 p.m., room 4-46
- October 19, 2017 one of the oldest employees of the Department Vladimir Vladimirovich Kravtsov died Department of mathematics mourns and expresses its condolences to the family and friends of the deceased
- The information about research areas
- October 18, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Photos from scientific school-seminar "Waves-2017" are uploaded We congratulate M.K. Kepper and Zh.O. Dombrovskaya, whose reports were recognized as the best
- 80 years after professor I.A. Shishmarev birth
- September 27, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- The information about special courses for PhD students is added
- The section "Conferences" is updated
- September 6, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Congratulations with the beginning of the new year!
- August 31, 2017. Department meeting 3:00 p.m., room 4-46
- We congratulate prof. N.N. Nefedov awarded with the title of Honorary professor of East China Normal University, Shanghai!
- June 28, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Consultations
- Consultation
- June 7, 2017. PhD students reports and department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 5-19
- Second year students, attention! Course questions and the last part of lectures for "Introduction to mathematical modeling" are uploaded
- We congratulate prof. A.G. Yagola awarded with the medal of the order "For Merit to the Fatherland", II class!!!
- Photos from the conference «Progress In Electromagnetics Research» (PIERS-2017) are uploaded We congratulate A.A. Belov with winning 3rd prize at Best Student Paper Award contest
- List of new students
- May 17, 2017. Students (groups 302 and 102m) reports 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Interview with 2nd year students
- May 10, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- May 3, 2017. Oral department defence of second year student course projects 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- April 26, 2017. Department meeting 4:00 p.m., room 4-46
- April 27, 2017. Olympiads for students "Linear Algebra" (1st year) and "Differential Equations" (2nd year) 5:15 p.m., SPA
- April 19, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- 12th of April meeting.
- Attention to the students of the 3rd year!
- Coursework of 2 year students
- List of Students, who Passed the First Step of Principles of Mathematical Modelling Colloqvium
- April 5, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- March 29, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Dear students of the 2nd year! Materials for the course "Introduction to Mathematical Modelling" are upload
- March 22, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- March 15, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- March 1, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- February 15, 2017. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46
- Solutions of olimpiad problems (Mathematical Analysis) Autumn 2016/17