- Master students photos of report on June 1, 2016 are uploaded
- June 8, 2016. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 4-46 or 5-18
- Dear students of 2nd year
- Dear students of 1st year
- June 1, 2016. Department meeting 3:30 p.m., room 5-18
- May 26, 2016. Report. Yu. P. Pytev 6:00 p.m., room 4-46
- May 18, 2016. Department meeting 15.30, room 4-46.
- Results of the I Students Olympics on the Mathematical Analysis Taken Place on April 28, 2016 at Faculty of Physics
- May 11, 2016. Department meeting 15.30, room 4-46.
- Students' reports
- Students of the 3rd year! Results of colloquium 1
- Students of the 3rd year! Results of colloquium 1
- April 13, 2016. Department meeting 15.30, room 4-46.
- Colloquium on the course "Principles of Mathematical Modeling"
- Attention, students of 1 year List of students that allowed to the oral part of colloqium
- March 30, 2016. Department meeting 15.30, room 4-46.
- March 23, 2016. Department meeting 15.30, room 5-18.
- March 16, 2016. Department meeting 15.30, room 4-46.
- Colloquium schedule and questions ("Mathematical Analysis")
- March 9, 2016. Department meeting 15.30, room 4-46.
- Colloquium schedule ("Integral Equations")
- March 2, 2016. Department meeting 15.30, room 4-46.
- February 24, 2016. Department meeting 15.30, room 4-46.
- February 17, 2016. Department meeting 15:20 aud. 4-46
- January 25, 2016. Department meeting 11:00 aud. 5-18
- Consultations before exam on "Methods of Mathematical Physics" will be held January 6 and 8
- December 29, 2015. Department meeting 15:00 aud. 5-18
- December 16, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 4-46
- 1 year students, attantion! On December 14 and 15 written theoretical control works (the mathematical analysis) will be carried out
- The new tutorial "Introduction to the theory of groups. Basic concepts. Groups of transformations" is published
- December 2, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 5-18
- November 25, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 5-18
- International workshop on inverse and ill-posed problems will take place on November 19-21, 2015
- November 11, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 4-46
- October 27, 2015. Report at the conference "Tikhonovskie Readings". V.F. Butuzov 17:15 aud. 4-46
- October 28, 2015. Section "Asymptotic Methods and the Differential Equations with Small Parameter" of the conference "Tikhonovskie Readings" 15:30-17:30 aud. 4-46. Chairman: V.F. Butuzov
- Lists of students passed to the second part of colloquium 31 October, 2015 15:30, numbers of audiences: 5-47, 5-50, 5-51, 5-53
- The list of course works for 2 year students is published
- Attention 3 year students!
- The optional course "Selected chapters of higher mathematics" continues October 13, Prof. D.D. Sokolov will start reading the course "Elements of measure theory and the Lebesgue integral" (Tuesdays 17:05 Aud. 5-68)
- October 7, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 4-46
- September 30, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 4-46
- The new tutorial "Numerical series. Functional sequences and series" (mathematical analysis, the 3rd semester) for 2 year students is published
- September 16, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 4-46
- September 9, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 4-46
- August 31, 2015. Department meeting 14:00 aud. 4-46
- Dear participants of international seminar "Actual Problems of Mathematical Physics"! Transactions of the seminar are added to "Results of conferences".
- Students of the 1st year, attention!
- June 24, 2015. Department meeting 12:00 aud. 5-18
- The department of mathematics congratulates the 4 year students on successful defence of bachelor works
- June 3, 2015. Department meeting 15:00 aud. SPA (southern physical aud.)
- Performance on Public television of Russia
- The department of mathematics congratulates winners and all participants of Universiade!
- Dear PhD students! The report will take place on May 27 15:05 aud. SPA (southern physical aud.)
- May 27, 2015. Department meeting 15:00 aud. SPA (southern physical aud.)
- May 20, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 4-46
- May 13, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 4-46
- Dear students of 2-nd year , that prepeared course works at mathematical department
- April 29, 2015. Department meeting 15:30 aud. 4-46
- Stand of the department
- Dear students of the 4th year!
- Students of the 3rd year, attention!
- Students of the 3rd year, attention!
- Dear postgraduates.
- Dear students of the 3rd year!
- Interview. N.N. Nefedov
- March 27, 2015. "Informal" meeting. Zh.O. Dombrovskaya
- Course works
- Laid out presentation of popular lectures EA Mikhailov
- Dear students 2nd year! The Colloquium of the course "Integral equations and the calculus of variations" will be carried out in march
- The department of mathematics begins a cycle of "informal" meetings with 1 and 2 year students
- March 13, 2015. "Informal" meeting. E.A. Mikhaylov
- International seminar