Mathematical methods in natural sciences
The seminar is held on Wednesdays at 17:00, at physical faculty of MSU in aud. 4-46.
If you are interested in making a report at a seminar, please, write to Prof. Bogolyubov A.N., (495)939-10-33
- 6th of June 2018 Report
- April 4, 2018. Report. Zh. O. Dombrovskaya Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 5:00 p.m., room 4-46
- March 14, 2018. Report. M. D. Malykh and L. A. Sevastyanov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 5:00 p.m., room 4-46
- February 14, 2018. Report. A. A. Petukhov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 6:00 p.m., room 4-46
- December 13, 2017. Report. Yu. V. Mukhartova Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 5:00 p.m., room will be announced later
- November 22, 2017. Report. A. A. Bykov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 5:00 p.m., room 4-46
- November 15, 2017. Report. Yu. A. Eremin Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 5:00 p.m., room 4-46
- November 8, 2017. Report. P. V. Golubtsov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 5:00 p.m., room 4-46
- November 1, 2017. Report. M. D. Malikch Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 5:00 p.m., room 4-46
- October 18, 2017. Report. N. A. Tikhonov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 5:00 p.m., room 4-46
- June 21, 2017. Report. V. L. Ekelekyan Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 5:00 p.m., room 4-46
- May 3, 2017. Report. M. D. Malykh Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:30, room 4-46
- May 3, 2017. Report. A.L. Delitsyn Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:30, room 4-46
- April 5, 2017. Report. D.V. Divakov, M.D. Malykh, L.A. Sevastianov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- March 29, 2017. Report. M. A. Panteleev Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- March 1, 2017. Report. R. L. Evelson Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- February 15, 2017. Report. V. M. Pikunov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- December 21, 2016. Report. D. S. Kulyabov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- November 30, 2016. Report. Yu. V. Mukhartova, N. T. Levashova Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- November 23, 2016. Report. E. A. Mikhailov, V. V. Pushkarev Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- November 16, 2016. Report. M. D. Malykh Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- October 26, 2016. Report. Zh. O. Dombrovskaya Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- October 12, 2016. Report. A. I. Erokhin, M. I. Svetkin Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- October 12, 2016. Report. V. M. Pikunov, V. E. Rodyakin Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- October 5, 2016. Report. A. A. Petukhov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- September 21, 2016. Report. Yu. A. Eremin Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- May 18, 2016. Report. A. Yu. Perepelkina Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- April 27, 2016. Report. Yu. A. Eremin: "Influence of the Nonlocal Effect on the Plasmonic Structures Scattering Properties" Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- April 13, 2016. Report. M. D. Malykh Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- March 30, 2016. Report. A. L. Delitsyn Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- March 23, 2016. Report. A. A. Bykov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- March 16, 2016. Report. M. S. Yatskevich, N. A. Panov, V. A. Makarov et al. Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- March 2 and 9, 2016. Report. V. E. Rodyakin: "Arsenal-MSU" Computer Code" Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- February 24, 2016. Report. D. P. Tabakov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00, room 4-46
- December 2, 2015. Report. Yu.A. Eremin Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00 aud. 4-46
- November 18, 2015. Report. M.A. Panteleev, A.N. Sveshnikova Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00 aud. 4-46
- November 11, 2015. Report. A.L. Delitsyn Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00 aud. 4-46
- October 28, 2015. Report. A.V. Nikitenko Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00 aud. 4-46
- October 21, 2015. Report. A.A. Petukhov Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00 aud. 4-46
- October 14, 2015. Report. Yu. Mitrishkin "Computer stand of real time for Speed goat" Seminar meeting on mathematical methods in natural sciences 17:00 aud. 4-46
- April 8, 2015. Report. D. Senin 17:00 aud. 4-46
- March 25, 2015. Reports. PhD students (scientific adviser E.A. Grachev) 17:00 aud. 4-46