Special courses
- Abstract differential equations with applications in mathematical physics
- Asymptotic methods in nonlinear problems of mathematical physics
- Asymptotic methods in the theory of differential equations with rapidly oscillating solutions
- Asymptotic averaging method for problems of mathematical physics
- Introduction to perturbation theory
- Gas dynamics and cosmic magnetic fields
- Group analysis of differential equations In the course we consider integrations of ODEs that admit sufficiently large Lie algebras of point transformations, as well as contact transformations that generalize point transformations. We consider the connection between the generalized symmetries of the Euler-Lagrange equations and the conservation laws.
- Supplementary chapters of mathematical physics (nonlinear functional analysis)
- Linear and nonlinear functional analysis
- Mathematical problems of diffraction theory Mathematical models of wave processes in non-uniform environments, their full mathematical justification. Main analytical and numerical algorithms of creation of models and their research
- Mathematical methods in ecology
- Mathematical modeling of plasma – kinetic theory
- Mathematical modeling of plasma – numerical experiment
- Differential inequality method in nonlinear problems
- Finite element method in problems of mathematical physics theory and practice of application of the finite element method
- Fundamentals of algebra and differential geometry
- Mathematical models of hydrodynamics and gas dynamics
- Category Theory Basics
- Parabolic equations Parabolic equations
- Parallel Computations
- Programming of scientific applications in the language C++
- Methods of finite differences in mathematical physics
- Modern methods of modeling in magnetohydrodynamics
- Special functions of mathematical physics This course is a restored course, created by prof. A.F. Nikiforov. A unified approach to constructing particular solutions to generalized hypergeometric equation is proposed. The generalized hypergeometric equation is an often used equation of mathematical and theoretical physics.
- Special practical work. Differential schemes
- Stochastic differential equations
- Tensor calculus
- Theoretical Basics of Big Data Analytics The course will briefly review specific challenges of Big Data Analytics, such as problems of extracting, unifying, updating, and merging information and specific needs in processing data, which should be highly parallel and distributed. With these specific features in mind we will then study more closely a number of mathematical tools for Big Data analytics, such as regression analysis, linear estimation, calibration problems, real time processing of incoming (potentially infinite) data
- Catastrophe theory and its applications in physics
- Theory of blow-ups of nonlinear equations
- Functional analysis
- Numerical methods in mathematical physics Application of numerical methods for various applications
- Extremal problems
- Elliptic equations