Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Physics, MSU
About department
Research work
For entrants
Current common courses
Differential equations
Integral Equations and calculus of variations
Introduction to Numerical Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Physics
Linear algebra
Mathematical analysis 2
Numerical methods in physics
Principles of Mathematical Modeling
Special courses
Abstract differential equations with applications in mathematical physics
Asymptotic averaging method for problems of mathematical physics
Asymptotic methods in nonlinear problems of mathematical physics
Asymptotic methods in the theory of differential equations with rapidly oscillating solutions
Catastrophe theory and its applications in physics
Category Theory Basics
Differential inequality method in nonlinear problems
Elliptic equations
Extremal problems
Finite element method in problems of mathematical physics
Functional analysis
Fundamentals of algebra and differential geometry
Gas dynamics and cosmic magnetic fields
Group analysis of differential equations
Introduction to perturbation theory
Linear and nonlinear functional analysis
Mathematical methods in ecology
Mathematical modeling of plasma – kinetic theory
Mathematical modeling of plasma – numerical experiment
Mathematical models of hydrodynamics and gas dynamics
Mathematical problems of diffraction theory
Methods of finite differences in mathematical physics
Modern methods of modeling in magnetohydrodynamics
Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations of mathematical physics
Numerical methods in mathematical physics
Parabolic equations
Parallel Computations
Programming of scientific applications in the language C++
Special functions of mathematical physics
Special practical work. Differential schemes
Stochastic differential equations
Supplementary chapters of mathematical physics (nonlinear functional analysis)
Tensor calculus
Theoretical Basics of Big Data Analytics
Theory of blow-ups of nonlinear equations
Archive: 2019 - 2020
1 year students, attantion!
12th of April meeting.
13th of May chair
20-th of February chair
20th of March chair
80 years after professor I.A. Shishmarev birth
Advanced algebra for physicists: theory and practice, new special course
April 11, 2018. Department meeting
April 19, 2017. Department meeting
April 26, 2017. Department meeting
April 27, 2017. Olympiads for students "Linear Algebra" (1st year) and "Differential Equations" (2nd year)
April 29, 2015. Department meeting
April 4, 2018. Department meeting
April 5, 2017. Department meeting
Attention 3 year students!
Attention to the students of the 3rd year!
Attention, students of 1 year
August 30, 2016. Department meeting
August 31, 2015. Department meeting
August 31, 2017. Department meeting
August 31, 2018. Department meeting
BMM colloquium questions
Candidates' exams
Colloquium on linear algebra
Colloquium on the course "Methods of mathematical physics"
Colloquium on the course "Principles of Mathematical Modeling"
Colloquium schedule ("Integral Equations")
Colloquium schedule and questions ("Mathematical Analysis")
Comission and re-examination on methods of mathematical physics
Congratulations with the beginning of the new year!
Consultation scedule, year II
Consultations before exam on "Methods of Mathematical Physics"
Consultations before exam on "Principles of Mathematical Modeling"
Consultations on the course "Mathematical Methods in Physics"
Course work credit day for II year students
Course works
Coursework of 2 year students
Dear participants of international seminar "Actual Problems of Mathematical Physics"!
Dear PhD students!
Dear PhD students!
Dear PhD students! The report will take place on May 27
Dear postgraduates.
Dear students
Dear students 2nd year!
Dear students of 1st year
Dear students of 2-nd year
Dear students of 2-nd year
Dear students of 2nd year
Dear students of the 1st and the 2nd year!
Dear students of the 2nd year!
Dear students of the 3rd year!
Dear students of the 4th year!
Dear third year students!
December 13, 2017. Master students reports
December 14, 2016. PhD students reports and methodical commission meeting
December 16, 2015. Department meeting
December 2, 2015. Department meeting
December 20, 2017. Bachelor students reports
December 21, 2016. Students (group 402) reports and Department meeting
December 27, 2017. Final department meeting
December 29, 2015. Department meeting
December 6, 2017. Department meeting and Ph.D. students reports
December 7, 2016. Master students reports
Elements of Measure theory and Lebesgue integration
February 15, 2017. Department meeting
February 17, 2016. Department meeting
February 21, 2018. Department meeting
February 24, 2016. Department meeting
Groups' 302 and 502 report
In tab "For entrants" you can find our On-line stand
Inroduction to Mathematical Modelling Re-credit 2019
International workshop on inverse and ill-posed problems will take place on November 19-21, 2015
Interview for II year students
Interview with 2nd year students
Interview. N.N. Nefedov
Introduction to mathematical modelling credit
Introduction to mathematical modelling credit, second try
January 24, 2017. Department meeting
January 25, 2016. Department meeting
January 25, 2018. Department meeting
June 1, 2016. Department meeting
June 24, 2015. Department meeting
June 28, 2017. Department meeting
June 3, 2015. Department meeting
June 30, 2016. Department meeting
June 7, 2017. PhD students reports and department meeting
June 8, 2016. Department meeting
Laid out presentation of popular lectures EA Mikhailov
Linear Algebra consultations 2019
List of new students
List of students admitted to the oral part of the colloquium on BMM
List of students, allowed to the second part of colloquium on Methods of Mathematical Physics
List of Students, who Passed the First Step of Principles of Mathematical Modelling Colloqvium
List of Students, who Passed the First Step of Principles of Mathematical Modelling Colloqvium
List of Students, who Passed the First Step of Principles of Mathematical Modelling Colloqvium
List of the students approved to stady at mathematical department
Lists of students passed to the second part of colloquium
March 1, 2017. Department meeting
March 14, 2018. Department meeting
March 15, 2017. Department meeting
March 16, 2016. Department meeting
March 2, 2016. Department meeting
March 21, 2018. Department meeting
March 22, 2017. Department meeting
March 23, 2016. Department meeting
March 29, 2017. Department meeting
March 30, 2016. Department meeting
March 9, 2016. Department meeting
Master students photos of report on June 1, 2016 are uploaded
Masters' dissertations and bachelors' graduation works 2019
Materials for the course "Group analysis of differential equations" are uploaded
May 10, 2017. Department meeting
May 11, 2016. Department meeting
May 13, 2015. Department meeting
May 17, 2017. Students (groups 302 and 102m) reports
May 18, 2016. Department meeting
May 20, 2015. Department meeting
May 26, 2016. Report. Yu. P. Pytev
May 27, 2015. Department meeting
May 3, 2017. Oral department defence of second year student course projects
Methods of mathematical physics colloquium
Methods of Mathematical Physics Colloquium
Methods of Mathematical Physics Credit
Methods of mathematical physics exams
Methods of Mathematical Physics Re-credit
Methods of Mathematical Physics Re-examination
Methods of mathmetical physics, credit
Methods of mathmetical physics, exam and consultations
Methods of mathmetical physics, re-examination
Methods_of_mathematical_physics comission
Methods_of_mathematical_physics re-examination and comission
November 1, 2017. Department meeting
November 11, 2015. Department meeting
November 15, 2017. Department meeting
November 16, 2016. Department meeting
November 22, 2017. Department meeting
November 25, 2015. Department meeting
November 29, 2017. Department meeting
November 8, 2017. Department meeting
October 18, 2017. Department meeting
October 19, 2016. Department meeting
October 25, 2017. Section "Asymptotic methods and differential equations with a small parameter" at the conference "Tihonovskie readings"
October 26, 2016. Department meeting
October 27, 2015. Report at the conference "Tikhonovskie Readings". V.F. Butuzov
October 28, 2015. Section "Asymptotic Methods and the Differential Equations with Small Parameter" of the conference "Tikhonovskie Readings"
October 5, 2016. Department meeting
October 7, 2015. Department meeting
Olimpiad MPE
Performance on Public television of Russia
Photos from international scientific conference "New trends in nonlinear dynamics" are uploaded
Photos from scientific school-seminar "Waves-2017" are uploaded
Photos from the conference «Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics and Numerical Mathematics» 2016 are uploaded
Photos from the conference «Progress In Electromagnetics Research» (PIERS-2017) are uploaded
Presentations of last autumn popular lectures to the 1st and the 2nd year students are downloaded
Principles of Mathematiacl Modelling Colloquium 2019
Principles of Mathematiacl Modelling Credit 2019
Principles of Mathematiacl Modelling Re-credit 2019
Principles of Mathematical Modeling comission
Principles of Mathematical Modeling consultations
Principles of Mathematical Modeling consultations
Principles of Mathematical Modeling credit, second try
Principles of Mathematical Modeling meeting
Principles of Mathematical Modeling re-examinations
Principles of Mathematical Modelling consultations
Principles of Mathematical Modelling re-examination
Principles of Mathematical Modelling, first part of colloquium
Principles of Mathematical Modelling: second part of colloquium
Principles of Mathematical Modelling: second part of colloquium, students' list
Reports of Ph.D. students, masters and bachelors
Results of the I Students Olympics on the Mathematical Analysis
Second year students, attention!
September 16, 2015. Department meeting
September 21, 2016. Department meeting
September 27, 2017. Department meeting
September 30, 2015. Department meeting
September 6, 2017. Department meeting
September 7, 2016. Department meeting
September 9, 2015. Department meeting
Solutions of olimpiad problems (Mathematical Analysis)
Stand of the department
State exams
Students of the 1st year, attention!
Students of the 3rd year!
Students of the 3rd year!
Students of the 3rd year, attention!
Students of the 3rd year, attention!
Students' olympiad for I and II courses in analytical geometry and the theory of functions of a complex variable
Students' olympiad for I and II courses in mathematical analysis
Students' reports
The department of mathematics begins a cycle of "informal" meetings with 1 and 2 year students
The department of mathematics congratulates the 4 year students on successful defence of bachelor works
The department of mathematics congratulates winners and all participants of Universiade!
The information about research areas
The information about special courses for PhD students is added
The list of course works for 2 year students is published
The new tutorial "Introduction to the theory of groups. Basic concepts. Groups of transformations" is published
The new tutorial "Numerical series. Functional sequences and series" (mathematical analysis, the 3rd semester) for 2 year students is published
The optional course "Selected chapters of higher mathematics" continues
The second tour of Universiade
The section "Conferences" is updated
The section "Planned conferences" is updated
The section "Planned conferences" is updated
We congratulate prof. A.G. Yagola awarded with the medal of the order "For Merit to the Fatherland", II class!!!
We congratulate prof. N.N. Nefedov awarded with the title of Honorary professor of East China Normal University, Shanghai!
We congratulate the winners of the contest!
«Introduction to mathematical modelling» course
International seminar
October 19, 2017 one of the oldest employees of the Department Vladimir Vladimirovich Kravtsov died
About department
Research work
For entrants
Scientific seminars
Devision seminar
Department seminar
Inverse problems in mathematical physics
Mathematical methods in natural sciences
Seminar named after A.B. Vasil'eva: Asimptotic methods in singularly perturbed problems
BMM colloquium questions
03/28/2019 19:
mathematics department